Thursday, November 10, 2011

What will happen to Tiger next?

Throughout Tiger Woods' life he has experienced everything you can think of wether it be discrimination because of race, jealousy, or just plain bad luck. How could someone overcome things like these and still be the best player in the world and be flawless in situations beyond stressful and pressure packed.

Incidents with Tiger:

The first incident occurred when Tiger was in kindergarden. Tiger was bullied by older white kids and they tied him to a tree and labled him with the N-word. "I became aware of my racial identity on my first day of school" reported Tiger. Tiger states, "A group of sixth-graders tied me to a tree, spray-painted the word 'n- - - - -' on me, and threw rocks at me . . . And the teacher really didn't do much of anything.
"I used to live across the street from school . . . The teacher said, 'OK, just go home.' So I had to outrun all these kids going home . . . it was certainly an eye-opening experience."

The second incident was by a golf channel analyst Kelly Tilghman during on air commentary with Nick Faldo. Faldo and Tilghman were discussing young players who could challenge the world's No. 1 player toward the end of Friday's broadcast at Kapalua when Faldo suggested that ``to take Tiger on, maybe they should just gang up for a while.''
``Lynch him in a back alley,'' Tilghman replied.
The third incident occurred when tiger crashed his escalade into a fire hydrant outside of his jupiter home in Florida after his wife found out that he was cheating on her. She alledgedly busted out the windows of the car with one of his golf clubs. This later lead to the divorce of Tiger and Elin and the slow decline of Tiger Woods as a golfer and a person.


  1. Torey, remember to cite the source(s) of direct quotes. These examples make me wonder what kind of negative comments Tiger received as a result of the revelations that came out in 2009. Do you think he will be able to recover as a golfer?

  2. I think Tiger has the chance to be successful again but I wouldnt say one way or another that he will beat out Jack Nicklaus' record for Major wins. Either way he will always be the biggest influence golf has ever seen. Even though these 3 incidents have either tainted or flawed Woods image, he is golf on the grand scheme and always will be.

  3. Torey,
    If Tiger Woods chooses to stage a come-back in golf, I believe he has the mental toughness it takes! Given the examples you shared about the challenges and discrimination he has faced, he has certainly demonstrated that he does not cave under pressure. If he decides to permanently retire from golf, I would speculate that he will focus his effort on some new goal and fight his way to the top. Unfortunately, when a person is a big celebrity, any mistake will be publicized in the media over and over again. I guess we will have to wait and see what Tiger decides to take on next in life.
